Investing needs time

Rome wasn't built in one day... if this saying holds some truth, time is of utmost important. Given time one can change from not knowing to knowing. If you are already on an investment journey, give yourself a pat on the shoulders. If you have not done so, I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of getting started as early as possible. Set up a brokerage account and be on your way to your first investment. Don't let procrastination take you down because any delay can only make you further away from financially free. Investing needs time and only time will grow your investment. It is common see commercial banks using the illustration of trees as part of their most common marketing campaign. As you can see, time is needed for a seed to develop into a full growth tree. You have to water the plant consistently to see it grow. Once the plant turns into a tree, it will bear fruits and provide enough shade for you while you rest underneath. The canopy extends wide into the sky pro...