
Showing posts from August, 2024

One more year... and 6 more to go.

Adding one more year to my investing and trading journey... 60% more to go! After 4 years of wins and losses, I have to say that I am still very much in the red. Could I have done better after 4 years of losses? A resounding YES!!! Will I ever see my portfolio go green? I certainly want it... if time can help me to learn and experience, I have 100% gone leaps and bounds from where I first started. We learn and we earn! It seems apparent that I am still at the learning stage and at some point, I will have to reach the earning part. While all of these can be easier said than done, I have set my sights beyond a mere 4 years. When I first started this journey, I wanted it to be a 10 years trip. Without a doubt, I sincerely hope to end this trip earlier and turn my losses into wins but there is just so much to pick up in the financial world. Hopefully one day, if I stay long enough, I will also be able to live enough to spend the wins! Fingers crossed. Happy 4th Year Anniversary, Ben. 4 yea

10 Investment Mistakes That I Have Made So That You Don't Have To!

Tarek El Sombati | E+ | Getty Images To err is human! We all make mistakes, that's how we learnt. Albert Einstein once said "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new" There is some truth to this. Personally, I do agree that human learn from mistakes, in fact learning from mistakes started way younger when we were in adolescence than we can ever remember, it's just that as we grow older, we tend to made careful considerations before we commit to a mistake. For example, I learnt how to cycle after a couple of falls, I picked up swimming after swallowing a few gallons of water, I learnt how to walk from crawling after a few tumbles and the list goes on. Humans are programmed to make mistakes! It is how we pick ourselves up mistakes after mistakes that we actually learn. And well yes, there are talented people around us but most of us belong to the majority if we are to follow the universal 80:20 rule. When I first embarked on my investment journey