A losing trade

This is my story, and I am writing it down so that you do not ever have to make the same mistake that I have made. This is also the biggest loss that I have taken in a single trading day, and I have zero intention to commit the same mistake ever again. I have decided to pen this down to remind myself that that trading is not a bed of roses, there are ups and there can be downs. One must always understand that the stock market is bigger than any one and every trader must give respect to the stock market for what it is. One must stay humble and not be too big headed. To be honest, I have come across this wise saying somewhere but to personally experienced it, happening right before my eyes is a different level altogether. We have seen posts of winning trades with huge profits but not many are keen to show the losing end. And this is what it is… On the first day of December 2021, as usual, I have decided to take a day trade. As per other trading days, I will usually single out a stock to ...