The First Step

If you have been following this blog and have finally let the dust settled, it is now time to take action. Action speaks volume, action turns imagination into reality, action kicks start the entire thought processes. Action speaks louder than words, you get the idea... So what is your very first step? When I first introduced investing and trading to my dad and mum, both have high expectations. When I asked them what would be their ideal annual returns and their reply was 40% and 50% respectively. Let's take 40% return as an example, if you start an investment with $1000 at the start of the year, you are expecting to achieve a return of $400 at the end of the year. Sounds good? Mind you, these are sound beings who have worked their entire life with savings and CPF contributions. EXPECTED RETURNS If I benchmark their expected returns against the world's most renowned investor, Warren Buffet's whose Berkshire Hathaway multinational conglomerate averages about 11% in a 10 years...